TALUS is uncomfortable wild exploration, spontaneity of chance, uncertain fate, fortuitousness, life, events in places, people and the environment, an act of trust carried out by the performers who, renouncing the known instruments and entrusting themselves to the audience, erase the serenity of the paths already known.

Anti-comfortable sound experiments
Pierre Schaeffer stated in a 1969 interview:
“I prefer an experiment, even aborted, to a successful oeuvre "
With this phrase in mind, on February 5, 2023 L'Impero della Luce inaugurated TALUS, a traveling series of performances dedicated to experiment and the anti-comfortable.
As in a game of dice, TALUS is an act of trust taken by the performers to erase the serenity of the known paths.
With Talus L'Impero della Luce has decided to completely abandon the sound devices usually used live - a beloved and well-known electromagnetic luthier in use since 2018 - to replace them with unknown objects found in the performance locations or brought by the public.
TALUS is uncomfortable wild exploration, spontaneity of chance, chance, uncertain fate, fortuitousness, life, events in places, people and the environment.
Elenco dei passati Esperimenti / TALUS Session
Giardini Pensili, 5 February 2023 – streamed by USMARADIO
Amplified objectsi: instrumentation and equipment from the Giardini Pensili studio of USMARADIO [Rimini].
Teatro Coppola, 24 March 2023 – Catania
Amplified objects: small electrical devices brought by the public [fans, lamps, power supplies...]
Tactus Festival, 1 December 2023 – San Marino University
Amplified objects: instrumentation and equipment of the University's Aula Magna
Trieste Science + Fiction Festival, February 2024 – Bastione Fiorito, Castello di San Giusto, Trieste
Amplified objects: display cases and displays of the exhibition "Space Halberds. 60 years of Science Fiction in Trieste".
L'Impero della Luce racconta TALUS
Listen to L'Impero della Luce in conversation with Roberto Paci Dalò on the sidelines of the performance during 𝐑𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐎 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐙𝐄 ≈ 𝐧° 𝟐, a project by Usmaradio - CRIR | Centro di Ricerca per la Radiofonia (unirsm.sm/crir), Giardini Pensili (www.giardini.sm) e Transcultures Europe-Pépinières de Création.
L’Impero della Luce inaugurates 𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐔𝐒 exploring the secret voice of the electric current of the equipment and environments of the Giardini Pensili studio – USMARADIO, Rimini – to build an original sound composition through the exclusive use of the electrical objects found on site. [Content available only in Italian language]